My headphones have transformed mundane moments into ones full of entertainment.
Still, I have the feeling that when used in excess, they also serve as distractions from the magic those moments might hold. Magic that requires an uncommon and, at times, uncomfortable presentness to perceive.
Rather than retire my headphones I think I’ll start by doing the dishes without Ryen Russilo’s NBA breakdowns in my ears. Who knows, maybe I’ll catch a glimpse of poetry in my suds-filled sink.
Whatever you do, do it forward.
Shoutout to my brother who recently started . I’m grateful for his words in this space and his presence in my life.
Courage is a(n) art.
The struggle is to be.
My mental healthcare professional asked why I always drove with radio on. My honest answer was because I was afraid of what I might hear. Now that I’ve learned some skills for sorting and dealing with these thoughts - including writing - I am better at tuning into what I hear in the space around me.
Oooo that headphones poem spoke to me so loudly! As an ADHD person, I have always struggled with silence. In 2017, I took myself on a 4 day silent retreat in a bid to really challenge that & sit with myself. It was easier than I thought. What was harder was returning to sound when it was over. I learned that having space to embrace the silence was important but also required no pressure for me to fill it. x