9 hrs agoLiked by Jamal Robinson

Love this!!

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Thank you River 😊

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Jul 3Liked by Jamal Robinson

People always knock sports metaphors as being reductive, but there's actually so much to learn and glean from athletes and athletics, and, as you note here, a lot we creatives can apply.

It's so true that we must consider and lean into our own limitations, and this is especially important with comparisons. If every basketball player tried to be MJ or LeBron of Steph, they'd probably fail, but that doesn't mean they can't be successful basketball players. There are more levels than "all time great" and "failure," and sure, while I think there's value in striving for greatness, that doesnt mean we should lose hope if we're, by nature, limited.

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Great points! Sports have been a major part of my life and journey of becoming. As I continue to grow as person, I'm working too expand to my reflections beyond athletics but the lessons they can provide are undeniable for those of us who have delved into them.

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Jul 3Liked by Jamal Robinson

Definitely - not to mention the values they teach us about hard work, practice, etc.

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Jul 2Liked by Jamal Robinson

Lovely piece. I love how the story tied neatly into the main gist of the article

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I appreciate that Echeme! ✊🏽

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"As I consider my creative journey, my brother’s story reminds me that my limitations are not simply obstacles to overcome but the very catalysts for the rich art I create. Just as he turned his physical constraints into athletic prowess, I strive to embrace the unique perspective my limitations provide me as I turn them into fuel for my artistic expression."

This part was straight bars, but now I want to know more about your brothers career, is he still hooping? In all seriousness though, what you describe in him is a skill so clear it can feel like a power, thanks for inspiring me to reframe things I can sometimes view as limitations!

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My brothers story becomes less about athletics after his senior season and more about unresolved trauma, family issues and finding oneself. My brother and I are still very close but his and my journey are why I focus on my players health over their success.

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I absolutely LOVED EVERY SECOND!!!

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I appreciate this friend 🥹

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Oooh, I loved this! I was completely entranced by a story that started out being about sports - I mean, that’s a real achievement, Jamal!👏🏼 (as you know I’m not sporty at all). but I enjoyed learning about your brother and hearing the spin you put on his story. What I want to know now is, what are YOUR creative limitations? And how did you use them to your advantage? (Next essay, perhaps).

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Thank you Nida 🥹

That’s a great idea! I’ll share them in next week’s piece. Though you may have to squint to recognize them as “limitations” lol

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I really appreciate that Andrew 🥹

Glad to have you in this space with me.

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You're an amazing storyteller -- glad to have stumbled on your work, Jamal!

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I appreciate that Andrew! ✊🏽

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Jul 2Liked by Jamal Robinson

Inspiring reflections on limitations

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Thanks Ta 🙏🏽❤️

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Jul 1Liked by Jamal Robinson

“Caffeine into art and dreams into deadlines” ;) love that

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Appreciate you checking out that tidbit 😆

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Jul 1Liked by Jamal Robinson

I love it bro! I’m glad to know that the memories we made growing up not only stuck with us, but gave us the advantage to use the tenacity and work ethics to become successful in the game of life. I remember when I dislocated my shoulder for my dominant arm and had to sit out for 6 weeks. In that time period I did not want to just sit around and wait to get healthy so I used that time to work on my weak arm and it made a big difference in my game once I became healthy. I love you big bro ❤️‍🩹 keep writing we are reading 🤞🏽

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I appreciate it bro! So grateful for you and the lessons we've been blessed with 🙏🏽

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Lovely, Jamal! This story was perfect for driving home your point. "As I consider my creative journey, my brother’s story reminds me that my limitations are not simply obstacles to overcome but the very catalysts for the rich art I create. Just as he turned his physical constraints into athletic prowess, I strive to embrace the unique perspective my limitations provide me as I turn them into fuel for my artistic expression." I often reflect upon how I may not live a perfect life, but all that imperfection becomes an impetus for my creative life - what I write or create, how I treat myself and how I treat others. Amen for those limitations, yeah? Thanks for sharing!! XO

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Author

Thank you Danielle and amen to limitations and the art the provide! 😆

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Oooh I live this perspective! I think I shall spend some time considering how my limitations have fed my creativity too

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Thanks friend! I hope you're able to uncover something that lights you up!

Personally, I've found myself imposed limitations to be the most fruitful 😊

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Ooooh intriguing and wise…

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This is a beautiful reminder to work with what you have and follow your passions. 💜

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Thank you Janine 😊🙏🏽

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Great story, Jamal! And I love this philosophy.

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Thank you Karen! It was a blessing to revisit 😊

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This is such a beautiful way to view growth and creativity. Anytime I'm grappling with fear, I remind myself that when I write, I'm leaning into new and unfamiliar territory within myself. It's an exploration into parts of myself I haven't met yet. At the heart of it is this sense of curiosity about the process. As you so eloquently state: Look with Imaginative Eyes. Thank you.

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Thank you Emily and I love that reminder!

Much of my practice is also about leaning into the unexplored parts of myself – sometimes fearfully.

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